GCH kids minister to the needy...
Earlier this week, about 10 kids from GCH (ages 10 - 14), my family, & the Hanson family had the opportunity to serve and share Christ with those in need. Joining up with our good friends from Club Dust as they ministered and built houses in east Tijuana, our kids and youth spent the day helping out. They were so excited to give back, as they've realized that they are so blessed.
We started the day sorting hundreds of socks and shoes that were to be distributed, building tables and benches and helping in whatever practical way we could.
Then we rounded up some local kids and played soccer, using half time as an opportunity to share about Christ. The great part... it was the GCH kids doing the talking. I sat amazed as 2 of our older girls boldly declared the wonderful things God has done in their lives and how He has changed and saved them. You could've heard a pin drop... which is incredible since we were surrounded with kids. Their testimony was powerful!
The game resumed, but I felt there was more... more that God wanted to do through our kids. I asked who wanted to go door-to-door and pray for the people in the neighborhood. About 8 of them quickly jumped at the opportunity. Armed with our tracts, 4 spiritual laws and Bibles, we set out to the unknown...
As we approached each door, 1 GCH child was assigned to introduce us to the family and ask if we could pray for them. After the child asked for their prayer requests, 1 or 2 of our kids prayed for them. Again, I was amazed as I watched our kids bless and boldly pray for these adults.
At the second home, Erika introduced us and prayed for the mom of the home, Maria. After I could sense Maria wanted to hear more... perhaps because our group was so unusual. We pulled out the 4 spiritual laws tract that explains God's plan for our salvation.
We explained to Maria that 1. God loves and has a plan for our lives; 2. We sinned and therefore became seperated from God; 3. Jesus came to die for our sins to become the bridge that allows us to come to God; & 4. If we ask Him into our hearts to forgive our sins, He will.
During each point, the girls looked up the verses in the Bible and stood next to Maria and read the verses with her. She followed along intently.
By the end of the 10 minutes, Maria was ready to pray. As our group of 8 put our arms around each other and Maria, she prayed to receive Christ into her heart. After we prayed, I looked around at my kids and saw smiles from ear-to-ear... they realized they were just used mightly by God to bring Maria to Jesus!
We then went on to another home, and God continued to use our GCH kids to bless this community and plant seeds. The day was full of spiritual victory for our kids and those they ministered to.
When George & I came down to Mexico 5 1/2 years ago, we knew our mission was to minister to the orphans, the broken and needy. What we didn't realize at that time was that one day these same "orphans" would be the ones ministering to the broken and needy! Praise GOD!