Palau Perspective of Grace Children's Home

This blog is updated by George and Stacey Palau and is comprised of highlights as seen through our eyes while living at Grace Children's Home.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Winds, Fire, Smoke, & Dust

Earlier this week, the greater San Diego area was swept by fires. Many suffered losses.

Here in Mexico we were swept by extreme winds. While in a well built home, this isn't too much of an issue, it meant great loss here, as people lost their roofs, homes and belongings. As we braced ourselves through the torment, we saw people all around suffer loss.

At GCH our chain link fences were blown down, part of a hill side fell out, and the roof of our Education Center took a beating as shingles & the sky light were lifted and thrown about.
The amazing part was that neither us or our neighbors were injured! We sensed God's hand of protection around this place once again, and we thanked Him for His care of our children.

GCH & our local churches are already mobilized in assisting those around us who have suffered loss. Please pray for the families here, that God will restore their homes and lives.

This picture doesn't really capture the severity of the wind, but if you look at it closely enough, you might get a glimpse of it and the smoke from the fires...


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