Meet Yahaira
This is Yahaira. She is the youngest of 5 siblings that came to live at GCH over a year and a half ago. Yahaira started pre-school this year, at a local bilingual school. It is a special educational opportunity, and we know she's going to do well there.
But not long ago, we couldn't have made such a claim. Two very important things happened in Yahaira's life.
First, Dr. Lisa, our good friend and pediatrician from northern San Diego, detected a health issue (anemia) for Yahaira. We quickly got her into treatment and her health has turned around. Prior to this, Yahaira would barely eat, sleep often and have no energy. Now she is energetic, gaining weight and alert.
The second blessing is that Oaks Christian Middle school committed to sponsor Yahaira so she can attend this school.
It is with such wonderful partners as Dr. Lisa and Oaks Middle School that our kids have opportunities to thrive today! We thank God for them and all who pray for & give to our kids.
I miss you guys so much! Thanks for keeping this updated! It is great to be able to see and remember all the faces. I can't believe the girls came back! Alma looks so big!
Love you all,
Tia Michelle
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