Palau Perspective of Grace Children's Home

This blog is updated by George and Stacey Palau and is comprised of highlights as seen through our eyes while living at Grace Children's Home.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Speaking of the Baby Home...

Grace Children's Home will be hosting it's first annual gala fund-raiser to benefit Grace Babies' Home (GBH).
The fund raiser will be held the evening of Saturday, January 31st in San Juan Capistrano, CA. The event will include silent and live auctions, dinner and entertainment, and a sharing of the vision of Grace Babies' Home. The proceeds from the fund-raiser will go to the construction of the baby home.

There are several ways you can get involved:
1. sponsor a table for 8 -10 people,
2. help cover the costs of the event,
3. donate an item for auction,
4. attend the event and invite a friend ($75 per person), or
5. send a donation to Yugo Ministries and designate it for the construction of Grace Babies Home.

For more information go to

In the photo, a computer image of the future Grace Babies' Home.

Breaking Ground on Grace Babies Home

God continues to surprise and amaze us!

In the last month, we have begun breaking ground on Grace Babies Home. GBH is the next step in expanding the vision of Grace Children's Home and is under the direction of Juan & Alicia Strutton.

George and Juan have worked hard with the architect, donors, and the laborers to begin digging trenches and bending rebar for the foundation. It's really exciting to see it get started! If you want to know more about this project, check out the Struttons blog site at