Want to know what we need?... Here's our updated list. Please note that the school & clothing items are a high priority as we prepare for school. Thanks for being involved!Grace Children’s Home Current Needs List (updated 8/07)
Gift cards: Costco, Wal-Mart, Home Depot
1. To continue construction of the Education Center
2. To pay off land for Senior center & Church/ community center
3. For on-going monthly needs (water, electricity, transportation, medicine, etc)4. Funding for 7 kids' to go to a bilingual school ($140 per child/ mo for 10 months, plus $1,200 each to get started)
Food: spaghetti sauce, pinto beans, noodles, canned fruit, canned corn, wheat sandwich bread, butter, canned tuna & chicken, canned fruit, pancake mix, maple syrup, cooking oil, potatoes & tomatoes, cheese, chicken, hamburger meat, beef for stew, roasts, bacon, sausage, cilantro, fresh fruits & veggies, eggs, ham/ sandwich meat, maseca, ketchup, flour tortillas
Cleaning/ Household supplies: Goof-off, laundry soap, Clorox, oxy-clean, Ajax, dish soap, pinesol, fabuloso, disinfecting spray, spray bottles, fabric softener sheets, ant traps, household foggers (bug bombs), household garbage cans, large plastic storage containers (for clothes, shoes, etc), commercial size pots & pans
Paper products: napkins, Kleenex, surgical gloves, gallon size Ziploc bags, plastic spoons and forks, toilet paper, large black garbage bags, medium kitchen size garbage bags, paper plates!
Personal Hygiene: lotion, shampoo, detangling spray, hair gel, diapers (size 6), diaper wipes, thick diaper ointment, deodorant, lice shampoo, purrell,
Clothes: knit solid navy sweaters & vests (boys & girls sizes 4T – 14 youth), black school shoes (boys & girls sizes 11 – 7 youth), boys’ beige or navy dockers style pants (sizes 6 – 16), boys’ collared white shirts (sizes 6 – 16), navy blue clip-on boys’ ties (avail. at Wal-Mart), boys’ black belts (sizes 6 – 16 pants), boys’ white socks (sizes youth 2+ shoes)
School supplies: hard back & CD-Rom Encyclopedias in Spanish for young adults (10+ yr olds), clear plastic for laminating/covering books, coloring books, erasers, folding lunch boxes
1. Fairly new 15+ diesel mini-bus – low miles, reliable, good condition
2. Trailer for intern housing – good condition, electrical/ water working
Other: 2-3 large book shelf size cabinet with doors, car-port size canopy (for shade for our kids in the outside)