Palau Perspective of Grace Children's Home

This blog is updated by George and Stacey Palau and is comprised of highlights as seen through our eyes while living at Grace Children's Home.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


GCH currently depends on trucks bringing water to fill our cistern everyday. It costs $19 dollars a day, which adds up to $570 per month... and that doesn't include drinking water. This trucked-in water is used for all our washing, bathing, flushing, and laundry purposes. On rainy days, the trucks can't get to our home, which makes our water situation precarious.

BUT GOD KNOWS ALL THIS, and He has a plan!

Recently, a local Christian mime came to perform for our kids. He brought one of his friends who happens to work for the Mexican water company, (which is run by the State of Baja) and the man began to ask about our water situation. When he found out that we didn't have city water and how much we pay for water for our kids, he committed to do all he could to change the situation. Since piped-in city water is much cheaper and more reliable, we were excited about the possibility.

In this photo is George, standing in GCH property, pointing to the white buildings which hold the city water we greatly need.

A few days later we heard from the man that the water company will be bringing city water to GCH within a month. Yesterday we received confirmation that the water lines will be installed to the border of our property IN 2 WEEKS... and they claim that they won't charge us for water!

PRAISE GOD FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE FOR US! Please keep this process in your prayers, so that GCH will have WATER! Also, please pray for the funding and work that will need to happen to connect the city lines to our cistern.


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