Palau Perspective of Grace Children's Home

This blog is updated by George and Stacey Palau and is comprised of highlights as seen through our eyes while living at Grace Children's Home.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Lionel & Helen

Tio Lionel and Tia Helen (aka, Grandpa and Grandma) are an important part of our GCH family. Like most grandparents, they're good at spoiling our kids, along with all the work they do here.

Since Lionel and Helen are going back to Canada for the summer, the kids planned a going away party for them. It's hard to say "hasta luego", but they do plan to return in the fall.

Please pray for Lionel and Helen and all the Tios and Tias that give so selflessly to our children! The work they do is truly amazing and a huge blessing to all of us!


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