Palau Perspective of Grace Children's Home

This blog is updated by George and Stacey Palau and is comprised of highlights as seen through our eyes while living at Grace Children's Home.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Update on the Education Center

Many have asked how construction on the Education Center is going...

Thankfully, construction continues one step at a time. It has been incredible to watch as people have given sacrificially of their time, talents and resources. This amazing building has been constructed by volunteers and donations. It is a testimony to the generosity of God's people.

To date, the exterior is water-tight and painted. The new metal roof is 75% installed. The 2nd and 3rd floors finish flooring are done and the walls are painted. Finish work such as installing cabinets, doors, sinks, toilets, etc. remains to be done on those top floors. The first floor is partially sheet-rocked. (We're working from the top down).

This building will have several uses such as: homework center, supplemental education for our kids, educational opportunities for our neighbors, medical & dental clinics, computer lab and library, temporary facility for our church plant, dorms for visitors, housing for our family, etc, etc!

Want to know how to help finish the construction of this important facility?

1. PRAY! We know the Education Center will be of great benefit to us and our neighbors, so we want to complete construction soon.

2. Raise FUNDS - We currently don't have any additional funding to continue construction or buy necessary materials. We also need approx. $15,000 to install a water and sewer system for the building.

3. Send SKILLED VOLUNTEERS - We need trades people who know how to work in carpentry, finish plumbing, tiling, etc.

Here's a current picture of the building.


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